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Smart Grid

  • Microgrid
  • Grid integration of renewable energy
  • Grid scale energy storage system
  • Integration of distributed power resources
  • Advanced information and communication technologies convergence in the power grid
  • The first US-China Smart Grid Comparison Study for China EPRI. 
  • Establishing strategic partnership with a Chinese stated-owned enterprise on large-scale “Wind-Solar-Energy Storage” project
  • Partnering with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s HPC Innovation Center for smart grid simulation.
Major Partners:
  • US Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
  • Lawrence Livermore National Lab
  • UC Berkeley School of Engineering 
  • Pacific Gas and Electric
  • Megawatts Storage Farms Inc.
  • Duke Energy
  • Austin Power
  • ABB
  • California Public Utilities Commission
  • China State Grid Corporation
  • China Southern Grid Corporation
  • China National Smart Grid Research Center, 
  • China Electric Power Research Institute
  • China State Grid EPRI
UCGEC Principal Developers:
  • Stephen Lee
  • Oliver Yu
  • Ed Cazalet
  • Liang Min
  • Haibo Zeng
  • Robert E. Larson
  • Xiaofeng Zhang
  • Chuck Wells